A group of young people face their future devastated by Climate Change. They discover faith and courage through the things that gives us joy. Armed with Transformational Ownership, they take the fight to Climate Change.
The story is woven together with short clips contributed by communities around the world of things that give them joy. These are used to contrast the sense of anger and cynicism at the beginning of the film, open up cracks in Climate Change’s evil dominion in the middle, and ultimately restore faith in the young people to give them courage. Armed with the blueprint for Transformational Ownership, they bring together a crescendo of support to take the fight to Climate Change.
The film has no budget and relies on your help to get people to contribute clips of things that give them joy, and also to reach to interested script writers, musicians, actors, film makers, PR people, etc to help. The film will be used to ask businesses for pledges, and contributors will be able to use the film for themselves.
Partner with us to reach out to businesses and reshape how we think.
We need to embrace subtractive change. When faced with a problem, our instinct is to fix the issues created rather than to subtract the problem itself. This leads us to have more checks and balances and create more demand on energy and resources.
When bad accidents happen at a road junction, we put up warning signs, and if the accidents continue, we put up traffic cameras. Ultimately, we may even move hospitals or ambulance parks to be closer by. Each of these focusses on keeping the road junction the same. We end up with more maintenance, more policing, and more costs. How much of our processes have become crystallised by this? How many of the ways we think we must do things is the result of this? They lead us to very rigid structures that we will not have the energy or resource to sustain.
Innovating inside the box is about changing the habit of our thinking so we can naturally ask can subtracting something out of the situation take away the problem instead? Can trees around the junction be removed and the accidents won’t happen? Are the too many signs already? Does slowing down the traffic help? These approaches emphasise reaching back to the purpose we actually need so we can free up more resources and create buffer.
- Join our network
- by clicking here to send an email
to members+subscribe @ transformationalownership.org. This will add you as a member to our Transformational Ownership google group and receive newsletters, blog posts, event and other updates, and share our thoughts with each other.
We want a billion people with businesses pledging a trillion US dollars to support Transformational Ownership.
We know no one has done anything like this before.
However, climate change is also unprecedented.
We have deliberately not sought funding for Transformational Ownership because we are not naive.
We know how money always comes with vested interests and its own agendas.
We will need resources and for businesses and institutions to contribute what they can.
Click on the boxes below to read more about the specifics of Transformational Ownership, Lazy Sunday Afternoons, and Innovating Inside-the-Box.
Here are what we need
Contact Richard and David by emailing info @ rethinking choices.com, and if you would prefer to chat, pick a timeslot that suits you by clicking here.
- Outreach
- – Translate our message to the communities you come from using the languages they speak.
- Connection
- – Introduce us to your communities and give us the opportunity to speak.
- Momentum
- – Create events to bring Innovating Inside-the-Box and Lazy Sunday Afternoons to businesses and communities across the world.
- Contributions
- – Promote the understanding that we need to pay a fee from the money we spend and collected by businesses towards maintaining the planet.
- Stewardship
- – Make it clear oil, gas, and coal are not financial assets; profits from them belong to everybody impacted by climate change on an equal, per-person basis.
- Be informed
- – Lend us your skills and expertise with research and communications to capture and direct positively the emotions and energy around climate change.
- Technology
- – Provide technology platforms and skills to bring people together from every country.
- Organisation and project planning
- – Offer your experience in organising and managing open source and self-governing projects.
Being sustainable is not the same as surviving
Can we help you and your organisation survive climate change?
Book us to consult for you
Click on the calendly image to pick a timeslot that suits you
We can do some of these experiments ourselves. If we believe too much food is being flown around the world, we can experiment with growing our own. We do not need a garden for this, … Tomatoes grow readily indoors and if we achieve that, it may lead us to consider other types of vegetables which could also be grown. Success may mean homegrown strawberries for our winter which can be shared with our neighbours.