We are Dr David Ko and Richard Busellato. We were successful hedge fund managers who are now focused on helping people survive climate change. This is not because we have somehow turned from the Dark Side; we very much believe that investments and capital markets are the best way for people to make money, live a good life, and aspire to a better future.
What we anticipated a few years back and led us to leave our successful careers is happening now. Life is getting more difficult for everyone, everywhere. Prices are going up, opportunities are becoming rarer, and even our friends with money are complaining about how much things cost.
Governments tell us these are because of the Ukraine war, covid pandemic, and so on. They promise subsidies and support, and fall back on growth as the way out. Businesses reassure us they are not to blame. What they fail to say is climate change and our responses to it are the drivers behind these problems. This is why prices will not stop going up. It is not something we can invest our way out of.
Our modern world is a jungle of spinning plates. Over the centuries more and more have been added and we literally run out of space. We rush about madly keeping them all spinning. If they stop, we fear it will all collapse about us. Climate change comes as literal storms blowing through all this. Even as we struggle with this, our net-zero efforts are adding more plates, making collapse and bankruptcy inevitable.
Contact us to see how we can help you survive climate change. We offer a unique blend of street-smart, pragmatic investment thinking, robust risk management, and deep scientific intuition (Dr David Ko directed state-of-the-art physics research and lectured at the University of Oxford prior to changing career to finance).
From early childhood, the lessons we learn are that to get ahead we need to solve problems. We are taught to think outside the box and are rewarded when we present ingenious solutions. If something stands in the way of us being able to do something, then finding a way around it is good… Augustine, in contrast, suggests that good people are those who are able to accept the hindrances and turn away.
Chapter 11: Good vs Evil
What we do
We help communities and businesses explore what they can do to have control over their own destinies in the face of climate change. Sustainability and survival are not about doing good. They are about having room to respond.
We are in a unique position of being to advocate totally independently radical and bold positions on climate, sustainability, net-zero, and our economy.
We love to engage with people on this.
Speaking & Workshops
Our thought-provoking Transformational Ownership blueprint for taking back control of oil, gas, and coal and putting them into stewardship, as well as our radical view on sustainability are presented as keynotes and workshops inside businesses, schools and universities.
Our book
Get a copy of our book, The Unsustainable Truth, and learn about how investing is destroying our future and what we need to do about it.
Research & Thought Leadership
We engage with the media to provide our latest research, insights and thoughts that will hopefully stimulate conversations between individuals about what makes them happy and how they can protect that.
We host regular Lazy Sunday Afternoons around the globe, which aim to invite and promote respectable discussions to be held between individuals, and organise hackathons for groups who can facilitate real climate change impact.
As seen on

Work with Us
E-Mail: info {at] rethinkingchoices.com
For speaker inquiries and appearances, please contact Sandra Nolan at Connect Speakers Bureau by email: sandran [at] connectspeakersbureau.com or by phone: +353 235 4905