This book distills three decades of our personal experiences at the sharp of investments and hedge funds. Our own journey took us through the bazaar of modern finance where innocence and noble intentions come and are traded for money and promises and are inevitably discarded like litter.
It is a must read for any who fear the damages investments are making but need those investment returns all the same.
I haven't had the benefit of an education like yours, I think it's a truly great book, it's the best book I've read since Andrew Marr's History of Modern Britain. I learned many things, as I'm sure many other people will. It should be read and discussed in all educational establishments in my opinion worldwide.

Colin Chalk
The modern system of investments hides from us the subtle way that money has become a controlling goal of our lives.

Sr Margaret Adkins, OSA
This book brings a very different and unique perspective to the challenges of our times.

Stefano Blotto
Managing director, BNP Paribas
I recommend this book for anyone looking to read up on the solutions to climate change, away from the noise and aggression of environmentalist diatribe that actually deter people who want to get involved.

Kirandeesh Thandi
Young professional
No process is ever purely ‘clean’, and it is paramount we do not fall into thinking that we can continue as we are just because we have added in solar panels or recycling.

Forbes magazine
Five focus areas for leaders
We are driven to want the best school, and in our rush to choose the best school, we increase the gap we perceive between the best and even the next school. It becomes totally unsustainable at the cost of our own children.

Investors should seek out street-smart, resilient companies which know how to thrive in a hostile environment and produce genuinely needed goods and services

Building the balanced portfolio of the future
Con il nostro libro – spiegano Richard Busellato e David Ko – vogliamo portare le persone a chiedersi a che cosa tengono davvero e convincerle a sperimentare con stili di vita alternativi senza paura di rischiare.
we want to lead people to ask themselves what they really care about and convince them to experiment with alternative ways of living without fear of taking risks.
Quotes from the book
Tesla's much higher share price has not meant climate change is solved, nor does it mean it will be solved. It just means that someone has made a lot of money on the back of our good intentions.

The Sustainability Myth
We need to educate ourselves better and make the choices ourselves
the idea that one group is more deserving than another is very appealing... It is a world where we have the right to come first. Our purpose for interventions is to put ourselves first.

Interventions — we just can't help ourselves
Governments, businesses, and policy influencers promote growth to keep us from hardship. When we buy into this, we make growth a self-fulfilling prophecy
When resources become scarce, an economic system that allows us to act in our own self-interest changes from being positive sum, where everyone gets the benefit, to becoming zero-sum, where for every winner there has to be a loser.

Face your fears and don't play the game. It is rigged.
Then again, maybe life isn't just about living, but maybe living is really about having a purpose for living...

Happily Ever After
We may never know about the outcome, but don't make it about the outcome. It is all about the trying.
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Chapter 1 - The sustainability myth
We need to educate ourselves better and make the choices ourselves.
Our actions are not insignificant — they matter